When you buy a new vehicle, insurance is mandatory. However, many people skip reading the terms and conditions carefully. This can lead to unexpected troubles later. A recent incident from Haryana highlights this issue. A person decided to sell their car and obtained a No Objection Certificate (NOC) for the transfer. However, the buyer backed out at the last moment and refused to take the car. Unfortunately, the seller’s car met with an accident during this period. This sparked a major dispute between the seller, the insurance company, and the buyer.
After the accident, the car owner informed the insurance company and parked the vehicle at their service centre for a month. Despite valid insurance, the company denied the claim, citing an NOC issued for selling the car. The owner, who spent ₹1.89 lakh on repairs, approached the Consumer Commission. The Commission said that an NOC alone does not transfer ownership and directed the company to pay back ₹1.89 lakh, pay a ₹25,000 fine, and cover ₹10,000 in litigation costs.
Here are some important tips to remember when purchasing vehicle insurance:
1. Read all documents carefully before signing.
2. Transfer NOC to the buyer’s name after buying or selling a second-hand car.
3. Contact the insurance agent for all details when selling a used vehicle.
These steps can save you from unnecessary problems in the future.
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If you are also facing this problem and want to know about “how to talk to insurance claim adjusters”? Then you are in the right spot. By reading this you cannot confidently handle insurance claim adjusters.
At first. it looks like they are only your well-wishers and they pretend to be so. You will think that they want to facilitate you but the reality is the opposite. Insurance companies are manipulating you because they only work for their own company, not for you.
They will try to keep you in darkness by keeping you away from your legal adviser and will show that they will control all aspects and you have no need to go to a lawyer. They pretend to give you full money to restore your property but in reality, they want to give you as little as possible.
In the topic “how to talk to insurance claim adjusters”? I’m further adding that Before talking to an insurance company you first get advice from some related best sources. Insurance adjusters control these matters throughout the day. they are experts. So if you go to them with proper preparation then you can successfully claim your damage. But if you do not prepare yourself you will fail. You will lose your claim. In this matter you must hire a lawyer then he will control the situation successfully
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